Pension Bridge Real Assets will convene North America’s most progressive investors to determine how they are changing their allocation strategies in real assets given current tumultuous market decisions. As higher-for-longer rates kicks in, real estate and infrastructure, as well as natural resources, agriculture, timber and commodities, each offer different roles within a diversified portfolio. The event will showcase precisely how leading LPs are doing this.
The ideal ratio of managers to investors
Our balanced ratio of 2:1 investors/investment consultants to manager firms creates the optimum environment for networking and business development for all – including our sponsors.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to build lasting relationships with existing and potential clients from across the US, maximizing your ability to do business in what is a highly competitive environment.
Actionable insights from inspiring speakers
At Pension Bridge our speaker faculty has always consisted of some of the leading institutional investors and family offices from across North America, who are ready to share their insights and opinions on the risks and opportunities surrounding alternative and traditional investing today.
The agenda for this new conference has been designed to introduce exciting new panel discussions that address some of the most pressing issues associated with Real Assets investment.
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